Saturday, December 18, 2010


Teaching with Contrived Experiences
One of the qualities of an effective teacher is to make models and mock ups as a substitute of real thing that is not feasible to bring in the class. As I recall my high school experience, my Science Teacher used us to make projects on the solar system,parts of a cell,and atoms. Most of our projects were used as visual aids in her instruction materials. We need to make our projects accurate, that is as imitation of the real thing. The teacher facilitates and we shared ideas,knowledge,and information about on a particular illustration. What I liked most to her was that she brought us into reality. I imagined how things worked or looks like through the help of the representation of things.
 Based on my experience, I feel interesting as I listened to my Science Teacher to her discussion that made my imagination wider as well as my abstract thought. In so doing, teacher should be creative and sensible to the student needs. Teachers must also bear in mind that in doing mock ups or illustration,it should be in a correct presentation that is following the right color,size and all aspects of an object.


Direct Purposeful Experience and Beyond

"Experience is the best learning". This tag line best explain to the Direct Purposeful Experiences and Beyond that implies the principles of learning through sensory experiences that could uplift the quality of thinking. Learners can gain knowledge through hands-on activities and expose to firsthand experiences that could serves as the foundation of learning.
  In a classroom environment, teachers usually prepared a task design with the help of the learning facilities that could enrich students performance in school. Assessment of student learning should entails a curriculum that responds to student needs. The Direct Experience is one of the methods that could meet the student needs especially in developing their skills and abstract thought say for example the computer hands-on exam. We might wonder why some teachers exposed their students in field trips. Is it helpful eventhough learners spend much money for it? What's the essence of it?
  Maybe,we murmur and frowned of the fees but it emphasizes the learning by doing in seeing actual objects and use it for purposes. That's why direct experience advocates that book learning is no substitute for actual experience. This implies the "hands-on- minds-on" teaching strategies that stimulates the students through thought-provoking games, puzzles, field trips,computer hands-on,etc.that could develop one's learning and retention of the lesson.

Friday, December 3, 2010


  Before conducting a lesson, a teacher should always be prepared in a discussion. Preparation for the self,to the students & for the instructional materials that will be used in delivering the lesson. We should try to consider that instructional materials must fit on the lesson & the behavior of the students. In evaluating instructional materials, we need to think what is the possible outcome of applying it. Is it satisfying to the students? Is it applicable to the lesson? We need to assess ourselves and the instructional materials if we want our classroom lively and interesting as a market of ideas. If the teacher is creative, students are looking forward about it.


In a classroom environment, teacher focuses on the students learning. The Cone of Experience provide teachers as a guide on visual representations of learning resources that arranged from concrete to abstract that eventually becomes a cycle to develop their higher order thinking skills. As a teachers to be,we are called by our vocation to develop all around dimensions of an individual as a complete man. In these sense,teacher should be aware of the methods he used by applying media as his instructional materials inorder to retain the lesson what has been taught because students love to picture out and think logically. We should also remember that using any learning resources would be useless if the teacher himself lacks of competence.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In a teaching process, it should be in a systematic way. It follows a step by step process that we need to consider, first the students(the center of the learning process),the instructional materials and the environment. Each of it holds it's function that we can apply in setting our objectives. Teachers should be creative enough in using the appropriate teaching method that could motivate students interest in a certain lesson. Furthermore,the using of technology must meet the needs of the students,it should establish and maintain the effective relationships with the students.So, teachers to be has a great task to know this systematic approach for future use in a classroom environment. 

LB# 3

The roles of Educational Technology in learning plays in a constructivist way wherein the students construct their own in discovering learnings because they have their capabilities to develop one's knowledge,skills,as well as competence. Technology serves as a learning tool to learn with, because it implies the principles of learning how to learn. It is a matter of learn-to-learn skills that should focus on the learner-centered.